Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Third Floor Gorilla

It is like some law that if anything goes amiss in the school, the Creative Writers are to blame. Harmless things, of course, like putting posters where they don't belong, publishing illicit magazines, and dressing up like a gorilla and parading about the school. If you haven't guessed yet, I am one of these Creative Writers. Hey, I've even been the gorilla.

We bought a gorilla costume about a month ago for $100 or so. We even had a gorilla fund to which several people donated. Our gorilla has since terrorized the school in new and inventive ways, pedalled our newspapers to innocent bystanders, and taken part in a dance off at the school assembly.

I'm just here to affirm the gorilla rumors as being true. There is a gorilla, he is on the third floor, and he is here to stay. So stock up on bananas. If you encounter him in the hallway, he's going to want some compensation.

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